Friday, July 30, 2010

National Friends Day

Today is "Dia de la amistad", or Friend's day.  It is a national holiday.  And it is taken pretty seriously!  There are parties thrown, gifts exchanged, phone calls made and a plethera of text messages sent. 

Our family had a day of "firsts". 

Walker got lost:
Emma, Walker and I spent the morning at the giant party store getting all of our party supplies for Emma's 5-year birthday party next weekend.  The kids had a great time since it is also stocked with toys, funny foam hats that they love to try on and run into each other with and a pretty spiffy children's play area.  However, there were a few moments of panic in the air.  As we were getting ready to leave, Emma and I were trying to decide which kind of candy we needed to get to put in her pinata.  I looked around and didn't see Walker anywhere.  I said his name a few times and I didn't get any response.  Normally he is laying somewhere in the floor around me, or hiding in the next aisle.  And he always answers as soon as I say his name.  But this time, nothing.  I had just seen him like 10 seconds earlier.  I could not figure out how he was out of ear shot.  I started walking quickly around and saying his name even louder.  After covering the entire area near us, I started getting that sinking feeling.  My mind started imagining- what if someone grabbed him, what if he got near the escalator, what if.........fill in the blank!  I started yelling out loud his full name and still nothing.  I found the nearest guard and he immediately got on his walkie talkie and started walking towards the middle of the store.  (The store is 3 stories high and we were on the 3rd floor)  Emma started saying "Mom, I really miss him already.  I really want to find him."  So sweet.  Thankfully the walkie talkie communication worked.  One of the young lady workers came towards us with a crying Walker in her arms.  He was scared too.  I said "Baby, where did you go?"  And he just said "I don't know!"  Bless his heart.  He held onto me and I held onto him for a good while!  Then we went to the play area and all was forgotten!  Whew- that was a scary feeling!

Emma learned to use a hole puncher:
This afternoon Emma and I made our friends day treats.  We cut, hole punched and tied a string to little notes and put them on some of Paraguay's yummiest treats- chocolate BonBons.  Emma did most of the cutting, all of the hole punching and put the strings through the holes for me.  It may not sound like a lot, but for a four year old who has never used a hole puncher, she was pretty proud!  And it is so nice to have a helper! 

I think they turned out pretty well!  And taste even better!

And Olivia took her first steps:
I tried early in the day to get Olivia to take a few steps between me and Chris in the living room, but she was not interested.  I am not sure what changed her mind, but tonight we had a "merienda", or coffee time with the church members to celebrate friends day.  While we were there and I was in another room, she took her first steps with Chris and Perry!  I thought Chris was just kidding when he told me, until she did it again with Chris and Diego.  I feel betrayed!  I am so excited for her, but a little sad too.  I wanted to see her take her first steps.  She is growing up so fast.

Walker drew a "stick figure":
By the end of the day, I was feeling very nostalgic because Walker sat down at the table and started drawing.  He drew something that was similar to a stick figure and said "Look, I drew daddy!"  It was so cute because up until now, his drawings have all been scribbles.  He was so proud of himself, he kept wanting new pieces of paper so he could draw daddy again. 

Wow, a lot of firsts for one day! 

And I can't leave out Walker's funny quote for the day.  We were putting bug repellent on the kids at the church building and Luis Fernando, a 3 year old Paraguayan, came up and said "Walker, que es eso?" (What is that?) and Walker said "Este es bug stuff."  (This is bug stuff)  We cracked up. 

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