Monday, August 9, 2010

Emma's Birthday and Party Planning

I am anxious to blog about Emma's 5th Birthday Party that we had Saturday, but right now, I am still recovering.  I need to upload a few more pictures, finish cleaning up my house and have a few minutes to get some thoughts together before I do the big blog about it.  But, these pictures are from last Thursday, her actual birthday.

And here are a few of us working on the castle that we built out of a cardboard refrigerator box.  The kids had a great time helping me paint the outside and then they had free "reign" of decorating the inside. 

Hair and clothes were included in the painting for Walker.  And Emma wrote all of her friends' names that were invited to the party on the inside.  It was a busy week last week getting ready, but everything turned out great!  Birthday blog coming soon!


  1. emma looks so much like you in one of the pictures in particular. you are a very cool mother/b-day planner. glad ginny got to be a part of it.
