Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Warning: Filling May Be Hot!

I have always thought that the lady who sued McDonald's for hot coffee was a little crazy.  After all, it is supposed to be hot coffee.  However, for the first time, yesterday, I began to empathize with her.  Our team had our weekly team lunch at Shopping del Sol  (that is equivalent to a mall food court).  I got the kids chicken nuggets and fries from Burger King and couldn't help but notice the deal of the day- two hot apple pies for the price of one. So, I went and got my healthier meal from another place and we all enjoyed a great lunch.  However, I couldn't help but think after my healthy meal, how well it would be topped off by a hot (fried) apple pie.  So, Chris and I decided to try out the deal of the day.  The lady at the counter told me that it would take 6 minutes and 30 seconds and asked if I could wait that long.  I found it humorous that she was so precise, but I told her that it was fine.  So, I waited a little longer than that and returned to the counter.  I waited there for several minutes and still, no appled pies in sight.  I finally got the attention of one of the gentleman workers and asked him if he could check on them.  He said that they take 7 minutes to cook (he apparently needed some update in his training because it only takes 6 minutes and 30 seconds!)  I informed him that I had already been waiting for longer than that and he quickly informed me that was not possible because the apples pies were not ready yet.  However, as he went to check on them- the lady quickly grabbed them out of the cooker (which I assume was a big grease pit) and put them in their little cardboard boxes.  He actually put them on a tray and turned to another lady coworker and asked her to hand them to me.  I think he knew that they had been cooked for too long and was embarrassed because he did not want to look at me after he had wrongly informed me I was wrong!  Anyway, I was so excited about eating that apple pie until we opened the boxes and saw that they were a little....well, overcooked!  Much darker brown than any hot apple pie that I have ever seen.  I should have stopped there.  I took the first bite and a piece of apple fell out onto my wrist.  It hurt like crazy!  It was so hot!  I could not believe just how hot that apple felt on my arm.  I got it off as soon as I could, but my arm was already burnt.  I really should have stopped there!  I let the pie cool off for what I thought was a decent amount of time.  But apparently it was not long enough.  I took my second bite and a big mass of apple/oozy gel/glob of cinnamony mess squirted out and oozed down the side of my mouth and onto my chin.  The pain this time was amazingly terrible!  I could not get that stuff off of my face quickly enough.  Everyone started to look at me and laugh, but I was in serious pain!  I had to ask Chris to go and get me some ice because it literally felt like my face was on fire.  While I was sitting there with a cold compress on my face, I noticed the famous warning on the side of the box: Warning: Filling May Be Hot!  I was somewhat irritated that it had been overcooked and therefeore burned me.  But as I started thinking about it, it is called a fried apple pie!  What else would I expect?   By the time I got home that afternoon, it was all blistered up and yucky.  I checked online to see how to treat it and exactly how much damage those apples had done. They caused second degree burns!  So, the next time you grab a hot apple pie- heed the warning- it might be hot!  And apple burns are no laughing matter.

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