Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Flag Confusion and the Tooth Rat

Well, the big Paraguay game was Saturday.  Paraguay lost.  It was a sad day for everyone here.  But, I have been very impressed that flags are still flying high, jerseys are still being worn proudly and everyone is moving on to decide which country to cheer for next.  Although it was disappointing, we had a great time together at the church building watching the game.

Since Saturday was such a big day here and Sunday was Independence Day for the U.S., I decided to do a little lesson at home on the Paraguayan flag and the American flag.  I printed both of them out from online, along with some fun worksheets.  We talked about the differences between the flags and I explained why the US was celebrating Independence Day on the 4th, and what the U.S. flag symbolized.  I didn't think too much more about it until Sunday morning at church.  She very proudly brought me the picture that she had colored in Bible class and as I glanced at it, I was really impressed at what a great job she had done coloring it.  However, I didn't pay that much attention, until her Bible teacher, Nora, came up laughing and asked if I had checked out Jesus' and the apostles' clothing.  I will let you look below at the picture. 

Interesting.  And not only did Jesus and his apostles have the Paraguayan flag on their shirts, they had a fancy wall clock as well!  At first, I was a little worried.  I was afraid that someone might see it and be very offended.  And then I remembered what Jesus said in Matthew about us becoming like little children.  When she drew Jesus with the albirroja, her mind was pure and innocent.  I think that she has seen so many Paraguayan flags, albirroja jerseys and red,white and blue signs over the last few weeks that it just seemed natural to her.  I guess that she was personalizing him, putting him into the world in which she lives.  If he were here among us in human form, of course he would want to wear a Paraguayan albirroja jersey because everyone in Paraguay wears one! 

And then Sunday afternoon during naptime, she decided to make some of her own flags.  I was very impressed with what she came up with. 

She had cut them out, colored them like the Paraguayan flag and found crayons to glue them onto so that they would look like real flags!  She said that she wanted to take them with us over to our teammates house to celebrate the 4th of July.  When I explained that she had drawn the Paraguayan flag and that we were celebrating the independence of the Unites States, not Paraguay, she said "I know mom, I just wanted to make this kind for us!"  And there you have it! 

Moving on to other fun stuff- she lost her first baby tooth this week!  A new one has been pushing in behind it and the new one was getting pretty high.  So, I told her that if she didn't let me move it around, I was going to take her to the doctor and let them pull it.  After just a few minutes of moving it around, I was able to pull it right out!  At first she was a little overwhelmed by the whole process, but then she started getting excited.  A few weeks earlier we had told her about what happens in Paraguay when children lose teeth.  There is a rat called "Raton Perez" that comes and takes your tooth away and leaves gifts.  She had decided that when she lost her tooth, she wanted to receive fingernail polish.  So, I told her that maybe if she wrote Mr. Rat a note, he would leave her some.  She immediately became very concerned.  Raton Perez certainly wouldn't be able to read a note that she wrote, seeing that she only knew how to spell things in english!  So, I told her that if she wrote it out (with a little help, of course) that I would translate it into spanish.  She got straight to work.  She actually drew out the bottles of fingernail polish that she wanted and painted them the colors that she prefered.  She then wrote the colors in english and had one of our spanish friends to translated it for her.  So, it didn't take her long to remember last night that she just might have some new finger nail polish under her pillow in the morning. 

The problem was that when I pulled her tooth last night, I did not consider that fact that I had not bought her any nail polish!  So, Raton Perez ended up leaving her money and she got to go pick out her own finger nail polish.  In beautiful shades of bright green and pretty pink, nonetheless!  She showed everyone in the store that would look at her where she had lost her tooth.  And she was so proud to take her money up to the counter and pay for her very own nail polish.   

As for Walker, he has been busy repairing his bicycle. 

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