Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Christmas Countdown Continued

No Christmas can be complete without lots of Christmas cookies!  Emma helped me make 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies and they were yummy!  They were tested and approved various times by the entire family before we handed them out to friends and neighbors.
One of the kids' other favorite Christmas countdown activities is "making a Christmas scene with funny shaped toys and shaving cream".  However, it almost always ends up in the "covering most of your body in shaving cream" activity.  This year all three of them were at the table, but Olivia did not want any part of that "stuff" being on her hands. 

Walker ended up with the most all over his body.

And Olivia let me put a little on her nose too.

And she proudly shows us where her belly button is since she is only in her diaper!  Did I mention how hot it is here?

And the kids being dramatic in the mirror.

And this is towards the end, as the shaving cream is covering the entire table and most of Walker.

The kids exchanged their gifts to each other on Christmas Eve Eve, as we call it.  Walker got a miniature train set from Emma.  He loved it!  I am amazed that it made it through until Christmas and even past- it was a whopping $3.00! 

Emma got pink string and assorted pink beads from Walker.  She loved them and made a beautiful necklace and matching bracelet.

And we think that Olivia would have been perfectly happy with only receiving Emma's old baby doll for Christmas because that is the only thing that she has played with! 

The kids love to gather up tons of books while we get ready in the mornings.  Even little Olivia loves to sit and look at her books.  Notice that "baby" is very close by.  She doesn't get far without her!

And sweet little Walker could sit and look at books all day long if he has his teddy with him.  In fact, if I ever lose track of him for a few minutes- I can almost always count on the fact that he is in his bed , with his teddy and looking at a book.

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