Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Iguazu Falls- Brazil

Last week we were able to go with two of the couples on our team to see Iguazu Falls in Foz, Brazil. This trip made Chris's 8th trip and my 4th. However, none of our kids have ever been (unless you count when Emma was in my tummy). So, we wanted to visit one last time before we leave and we wanted the kids to get to see it now that they are at ages that at least two of them can truly enjoy it. And we wanted to take our newest teammates because they had never been either!

This picture was taken right as we got outside of Asuncion, but it is a typical side-of-the road float sale found all over Asuncion and nearby towns.  We are in summer here and it is hot!  And what better thing to sell during hot weather than some floats?

We waited in traffic for 2 hours to cross the border and bridge from Paraguay into Brazil.  We were in Ciudad del Este, which is known as one of the most corrupt cities of the world.  For blocks before you get to the border, there are thousands of stores selling just about any kind of electronic gadget you can imagine.  And at a price that brings people from all over Paraguay, as well as from Brazil, to buy them.  Brazilians cross over the border and then carry their goods or load their vehicles to cross back into Brazil.  However, there is a limit on how much you can take back across, so it is fairly common that they try to find ways around these laws.  This is a picture of two guys who were tying ropes around their newly bought goods and lowering them through the one opening over the bridge.  I am not sure who was catching all those goodies down there, but these guys sure were in a hurry and were looking over their shoulders every two seconds!  And that would be one of the many reasons that this city is known for corruption!

We finally arrived at the falls.  Here is the crew that traveled together, minus our fabulous photographer, Lydia.  Can you tell the sun was in our eyes?

Here is Emma and Walker!

And here is one of the many rainbows we saw.  As we were looking at this scene, we were amazed that there are still people who deny that this world has a fabulous Creator!  He sure did create some beautiful stuff!

Here is Emma and her sweet friend, Vivian. 

Emma and Walker as we get closer to the falls.  I love Walker's face in this one!

And me and Olivia taking it all in.

And Walker's favorite part of the trip was probably when his daddy rode him backwards down the steps in the stroller.  And there were a lot of steps!

Daddy, Emma and Walker as we got closer to one of the falls.

And my two sweet, tired girls on the trip back home.  I love that I happened to catch them holding hands.  It doesn't get much better than that!

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