Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Christmas Countdown Has Begun!

Christmas has officially begun in the Fry household.  For the last three years, on December 1st, we have started our Christmas countdown.  I wanted the kids to enjoy more than just the gift exchanging that goes along with Christmas.  I wanted them to learn to be thankful, to enjoy time together as a family and probably most importantly, I wanted them to learn to think of others.  So, we have a little Christmas calendar that has pockets for each day with a special Christmas activity inside on little slips of paper.  Every morning the kids enjoy pulling one out to see what the day holds for them.  Here is what we are doing this year:

Dec. 1- Make a Christmas wreath out of your hand tracings.

Dec. 2-Decorate a door in the house with homemade décor.
Dec. 3-Pick a toy that you don’t play with very much and donate to someone who doesn’t have as many.
Dec. 4-Do lots of Christmas activity pages.
Dec. 5- Make snowflakes online.
Dec. 6- Make glittery paper snowflakes and hang them! And at dinner, describe what you like best about each family member.
Dec. 7-Make gingerbread cookies and decorate them for a Christmas treat.
Dec. 8-Buy white plates and paint them with a beautiful Christmas design.
Dec. 9-Make Christmas cards for our friends in Paraguay.
Dec. 10- Have fun with popcorn! Make a popcorn snowman picture and then eat the rest of it while you watch a Christmas movie together!
Dec. 11-Make a snowflake table runner.
Dec. 12-Make a Christmas snack and deliver to someone who might need some Christmas joy.
Dec. 13-Make a list of the blessings you’re thankful for and decorate it.
Dec. 14- Shop for or make a Christmas present for your brother or sister and wrap it.
Dec. 15- Shop for or make a Christmas present for Daddy and wrap it.
Dec. 16- Shop for or make a Chrsitmas present for Mommy and wrap it.
Dec. 17-Pick out your favorite Christmast craft online and make it during the day.  And when it gets dark- go on a car ride to see Christmas lights.
Dec. 18- Go see Santa and tell him what you want for Christmas.
Dec. 19- Make homemade tree decorations and put on the Christmas tree.
Dec. 20- Color and paint lots of Christmas pictures.
Dec. 21-Make table decorations for our Christmas meals.
Dec. 22- Create a snowscape with shaving cream and action figures or fun shaped toys.
Dec. 23-Make food for santa, Rudolph and the other reindeer.  Play Christmas games like Memory, etc
Dec. 24- It’s Christmas Eve! You get to open one present tonight and read “The Night Before Christmas” at bedtime! And don’t forget to feed the reindeer.
Dec. 25- Christmas day is finally here! See what Santa brought, exchange gifts and enjoy a wonderful day! And don’t forget to be thankful for your many blessings!

It should be a fun and busy month!  Today we made wreaths out of their hand prints.  I thought they turned out to be so cute!

And today, our "elf on the shelf" also made his appearance.  He came to us last year, but only the last few days before Christmas.  So, the kids didn't ever really get to enjoy him.  And we were in Florida, so we didn't take the time to name him or anything.  So, they have really been looking forward to his grand appearance.  This morning, they had both forgotten until they saw him.  We read the book for the first time and they named him "Jack"!  They learned that they aren't allowed to touch him or he will lose his magic and not be able to fly each night to the North Pole to tell Santa if they have been good or not.  And, they learned that he is not allowed to talk or move, because Santa told him not to.  But, he listens and watches!  At first Walker said "Why is he so little?"  I asked him if he liked him and he said "no".  But that was when he had just woken up, and well, he is a slight grouch early in the morning.  After we read the book and named him and Walker got to hear all about him, he decided he really liked him.  Emma talked about him all day.  She made him a card and had me give it to him.  I accidentally hit him and he moved.  She was convinced then that he was real!  She said "Mom, I saw him move, now I know he is real!  I guess that card itched his arm and he just couldn't help but move!  He wasn't supposed to move though was he?"  I had to hold back my laughter.  Then this afternoon I asked her to help me put some dishes away and after she did she disappeared.  A few minutes later she came back and said "Mom, I told Jack that I helped you so that he knows I am being good!"  And later Walker came and told me that he had told Jack how good he had been at church during our meeting this morning.  Jack may just become my best friend if he helps the kids be on good behavior!  We may have to find a reason to have an elf around our house the entire year!

He is pretty cute isn't he?

And speaking of cute- I have to add that Olivia decided yesterday that she really likes corn on the cob.  I had been pulling kernels off of the cob for her to eat.  But after I finished with my cob, she kept trying to get it off of my plate.  I finally gave it to her just to see what she would do and she ate it like she was 10 years old!  She loved it!  I guess it is no longer necessary to pull kernels off for her. 

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